October 2023 Recap

A cart full of copies of the Soul Jar anthology at Powell’s!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 107
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 83 (+10)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 86
New Submissions: 6
Stories out at the end of the month: 100
Pretty good numbers this month, with a bunch more submissions and some acceptances! The acceptances were for two very short flash pieces and a drabble. My new stories this month were four flash fiction pieces and a couple of short stories (on the very short end of things). The +10 on rejections was mostly markets that never responded, and one where every method the market had of submitting bounced. The withdrawn story was me accidentally resubmitting a rejected story to the same market. Oops!
In October, I wrote or at least started 30 Drawlloween pieces (I combined two days when I missed on day because of travel). I drafted last; completed two new flash fiction pieces and another short story; revised three flash fiction pieces; proofread two books; edited another book; did my four craft book exercises in whole or part; and reviewed two books.
In November, I need to:
- Write my NaNoWriMo non-fiction project
- Work on my NON-NaNo novella
- Write a flash fiction piece
- Work on four craft book exercises
- Review three books
- Edit a book
- Proofread another book
This list is arguably shorter than some months, but there’s a lot packed in there, especially in the non-fiction and novella projects. So I won’t be getting much shorter work done this month, but that’s okay!