September 2023 Recap

A couple of curious penguins!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 139
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 78 (+11)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 51
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 107
A slightly slower month on the submissions and writing fronts, mainly because I spent two weeks of the month in a van, on a road trip with my mom, sisters, and husband. I did manage to finish four pieces, though, a couple of short stories and a couple of flash fiction pieces.
From September’s to do list, I finished moth, necromancer, and crab, but I decided to skip writing future, as I had a story already done that fit the call I was planning to write for. I did start a new piece for future, but it didn’t get very far, so I’ll work on that again later. I only revised one of the flash pieces, too (name), because sugar is winding up being something that needs a lot more expansion than I had time for. I finished the outline for my NaNo project, worked on some more craft book exercises, finished the Stephen Fry poetry book, and wrote a book review. And I finished a bunch of proofreading and editing, and wrote up my answers for a blog interview!
In October, I need to:
- Write 31 pieces for Drawlloween
- Draft a new short story (last)
- Write a new flash fiction piece
- Revise three flash fiction pieces
- Proofread two books
- Edit another book (second pass)
- Do the next four craft book exercises
- Review two books
Not too bad of a list!