Fun for Friday: List Stories

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Here’s a fun writing prompt! Come up with a click-bait style article title that involves a list of top whatever. Then use that to tell a story within the context of the list, with the different items on the list as a sort of header for each section of the story.
The format lends itself well to flash fiction and shorter stories, especially with a bit of humor, but you can also use it as a structure for a poem, and I’ve also written some heartbreaking versions of list stories. The style can be a bit of a challenge at first, but after you get the hang of it, they’re a lot of fun to write and read!
Here’s a few random titles that you could use as is or as inspiration for your own title. Feel free to replace the number of things, the location, the type of creature, or whatever:
- Top Ten Reasons to Visit the Moon: Number Six Will Surprise You!
- Top Five Best House Floorplans for Haunting
- Top Seven Must-See Landscapes for Dragons