August 2023 Recap

Sunflowers at the zoo!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 107
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 46 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 71
New Submissions: 11
Stories out at the end of the month: 139
The numbers this month are definitely going up in terms of submissions, but without a commensurate return in acceptances. Some months are like that, I guess. But I finished a lot of new pieces–one of my eleven was a poem from late in July, but I also finished four short stories and six flash fiction pieces, which is really great!
In August, I finished test and bunny, wrote the new flash pieces, revised three of the flash pieces that needed it, completed four Wayward Writer exercises, did the next section of the Stephen Fry poetry book, reviewed two books, proofread one book and edited another, and created new book covers. I didn’t get much done on the panel and class videos or captions, because I’ve been busy with all this writing!
In September, I need to:
- Finish writing a new short story and revise it (moth)
- Write another new short story (TBD future)
- Write a new flash fiction piece (necromancer)
- Write a new microfiction piece (crab)
- Revise a couple of flash fiction pieces from the contest and class (sugar and name)
- Start outlining my NaNoWriMo project (NON-fiction!)
- Work on a couple of Wayward Writer exercises
- Do the next Stephen Fry poetry book section
- Review a book
- Finish proofreading a book
- Proofread my novelette
- Edit 2/3 of another book
- Answer interview questions for a blog feature
This looks like quite a bit of stuff, though it’s slightly reduced because I’m taking most of this week and next off for a family adventure!