July 2023 Recap

The first bloom of my pansies from last year’s saved seeds!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 102
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 50 (+5)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 38
New Submissions: 26
Stories out at the end of the month: 107
The numbers are a bit all over the place this month, though the overall top and bottom line seem normal.
First, I had three acceptances in July, for two poems and a piece of microfiction. So that was super exciting! I also had a lot of new submissions, but the bulk of those were pieces finished late in June that didn’t go out until early July. The pieces I finished in July were a short story, a flash fiction piece, and two drabbles. The rest was poetry from MerMay that I revised in June. So with all the new submissions, it seems like a low number of resubmissions, but when you combine those two, it looks much better. I withdrew one poem that sold from the other market considering it, and I had five markets that never responded–some of those were expected, but others were not.
In July, I finished the first draft of coast, turned contact into the two aforementioned drabbles, revised and submitted dragon (the aforementioned completed short story), revised broker, wrote my seven flash fiction pieces (only one of which has been revised and submitted), wrote my last Unfixed Timelines 3 essays, did four more Wayward Writer exercises and the next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book, wrote a book review, finished two book edits, proofread Unfixed Timelines 3, prepped for the launch of Dead-Starred Futures in August, worked on caption cleanup, watched some online panels, and prepped my editing class (which happened on Monday). I also finished drafting one other short story (bunny)
In August, I need to:
- Write a new short story (test)
- Revise another short story (bunny)
- Write four flash fiction pieces (1 for contest, 1 for workshop, 1 to submit, and 1 to close out my Write-a-Thon goals)
- Revise six flash fiction pieces (3 from contest, 3 from workshop)
- Four or five more Wayward Writer exercises
- Next section from the Stephen Fry poetry book
- Review two books
- Proofread one book
- Edit another book
- Create covers for Unfixed Timelines 3 and the omnibus edition
- Watch more panel and class videos
- Continue working on captions
It’s a little less than last month, but still looks like a good chunk of work!