June 2023 Recap!

My handsome editorial assistant, Foggy
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 76
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 35
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 55
New Submissions: 7
Stories out at the end of the month: 102
The numbers are slowly ramping up toward normal this month. No acceptances, but I completed and submitted seven new pieces: two short stories, one flash fiction piece, and four poems. (I also completed a bunch more poems, but I did so late enough in the month that they haven’t gone out on submission quite yet, as I do most of my poem submissions in one big chunk at the beginning of a month.)
In May, I finished the first round of revisions on brother and sent that out to a couple of beta readers. I finished, revised, and submitted roots (one of the short stories); started working on revisions to dragon (almost done); wrote my flash fiction piece; revised the MerMay poems and some other strays; researched all of the essays for Unfixed Timelines 3 and wrote six of the eight essays; did my Wayward Writer exercises and Stephen Fry poetry book sections; and wrote two book reviews. I’ve also started editing the next book on my list and am making good progress on that. And I started working on a new short story and a new flash piece as well (which were not on my list)!
In July, I need to:
- Finish drafting a newly started short story (coast)
- Draft most of a second short story (contact)
- Revise and submit dragon
- Revise brother
- Write seven flash fiction pieces (two for a contest, four for a workshop, one for submission)
- Write the last two Unfixed Timelines 3 essays (technically done over the weekend, but still in the July list)
- Four more Wayward Writer exercises
- Do the next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book
- Write a book review
- Finish editing current book edit
- Edit next book on the list
- Proofread Unfixed Timelines 3
- Prep for my August book launch
- Caption cleanup
- Watch some online panels from a previous convention
- Prep my editing class
Wow, that’s a TON this month, in part because of the Clarion West Write-A-Thon and flash fiction workshop, but also because I’ve just got a lot going on. I think it’s doable if I can stay on track!