May 2023 Recap!

The Ghibli Museum was closed while we were in Tokyo, but we could still see Totoro in the ticket booth!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 88
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 44 (1 + 6)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 38
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 76
The numbers for May are unsurprisingly on the lower side, unsurprisingly because I took half the month off while I was in Japan. Still, I finished four new pieces and had two acceptances, so that’s not so bad. The parenthetical rejections are one market that never responded and six poems that I THOUGHT I sent out, but apparently did not (the market had no record of them). And I withdrew one poem because it sold to a different market!
The new pieces in May were all flash fiction. Two of them were written in response to a single call for submissions, because the first two attempts didn’t come out quite right for the submissions call. They were still decent for what they were, just not quite right!
In May, I finished the first draft of brother and started revisions, finished the first draft of dragon, wrote the flash fiction piece, worked on some Wayward Writer exercises (completed one), did the next Stephen Fry chapter section, wrote three book reviews, and wrote 31 pieces for MerMay. I had to tweak the MerMay schedule slightly–in the two weeks when I was traveling, I only wrote four pieces. So after I got back, I doubled up on the remaining days of the month so I could get all 31 pieces written! Everything was poetry this year, and now I get to revise all of it!
In June, I plan to:
- Finish the first round of revisions on brother
- Write and revise a short story (roots)
- Start revisions on dragon
- Write a flash fiction piece
- Revise MerMay poems
- Finish revising some other stray poems
- Research and essays for Unfixed Timelines 3
- A few more The Wayward Writers exercises
- The next two Stephen Fry chapter sections
- Write two book reviews
- Start editing the next novel on my list
That’s quite a bit of stuff, but I’ve got the whole month to do it all!