History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of Quit Your Day Job by Eleanor C. Whitney

I recently got a big stack of writing craft and creativity books through a Microcosm Publishing Kickstarter, so I’ve decided to work through several of them for reviewing on my blog.

Quit Your Day Job by Eleanor C. Whitney is full of useful advice about starting your own business that will allow you to quit your day job. It’s particularly geared toward do-it-yourself (DIY) folks who may already be doing a thing they love on the side and wanting to figure out how to take it to the next level and turn it into their primary source of income.

The majority of the book is very focused on a business more than freelance work, which may or may not pay all a person’s bills. There is some applicable advice here for freelancers, but overall, the book is more useful for someone ready to take the plunge rather than someone just wanting to dip their toes int the water. That being said, there’s also advice about marketing and crowdfunding that could apply to any creative who wants to get their work out there, whether they’re quitting their day job or keeping their creative work as a side-hustle.

If you’re a creative, maker, or other person who wants more information on starting your own creative business, this is a great place to start. There’s also a huge list of resources in the back to take you beyond the limits of the book.

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