Recent Fantasy Publications

Image by Parker_West from Pixabay
If you’re looking for a fantasy story or poem to read, here are a few of my recent fantasy publications, along with some of my collections!
My flash fiction piece, “Patience,” appeared in Wyldblood Magazine in October of last year. It’s a brief piece about working to get what you want, but not being impatient about it, and it’s suited for audiences of all ages.
My microfiction piece, “Chrysopoeia,” appeared in The Dire Dark in December of last year. This one is a bit darker, but it involves a little real magic defeating a charlatan.
And of course, I’ve got three collections of fantasy stories and poetry: Denizens of Distant Realms (for folks of most ages, some stories are best for teens and up), What If I’m a Merfolk? (mostly poetry with a few stories, better appreciated by older teens and up), and Conceits of Whim and Fancy (for folks of most ages)! All three books are available in print and ebook formats, though they’re all slim print books!