Fun for Friday: Three Wintery Photos

Image by Ingo Jakubke from Pixabay

Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay
This week’s images are vaguely wintery images for your inspiration!
The first image depicts four individuals in silhouette walking a narrow, slightly raised path with snow across the landscape on either side of the path. The sky above is cloudy, blocking most of the sunlight, but the sun peeks out near the bottom of the clouds, not too far above the horizon.
The second image depicts a large concrete wall with regular lines and dots across its surface. A single individual stands near the base. To the right of the person, two slightly askew rectangles of light (or reflections of light) appear.
The third image depicts a locomotive engine and four box cars, in black, red, and yellow, traversing train tracks in a snowy landscape, with the terrain to the left of the image on a sloped, higher elevation, and the terrain to the right sloping gradually lower. The upper slope has a number of coniferous trees, while the lower slope has some brush and two coniferous trees. The locomotive engine is putting out smoke that blends with the clouds and possible mountain range in the far distance.