My Historical Fiction Publications, New, Old, and Coming This Year!
I’ve got one recent historical fiction publication out recently. My story “Memento Mori” appeared in Queer Weird West Tales and tells a potential story about a weird bit of trivia related to Calamity Jane!
I’ve published a lot of my fantastical history stories in Unfixed Timelines and Unfixed Timelines 2. Later this year, I plan to publish the third volume of this set, which will include “Memento Mori” and several other stories, along with essays about the real history. Additionally, now that I’ll have a good stack of stories, I plan to release an omnibus PRINT version of all of my Unfixed Timelines stories and essays. Look for volume 3 and the omnibus in October 2023, but of course I’ll announce it here for pre-order before then!