Fun for Friday: The Future, with Cat!

Image by Carlos Trần from Pixabay

Image by Fabio Grandis from Pixabay
Today’s Fun for Friday photo prompts are a couple of futuristic looking images, along with one of a cat? I like having one discordant image with two potentially connected images for the interesting ideas it might spin off. What’s this cat doing here? Is it an actually Earth housecat? Or is it something else?
The first image depicts a gridded pattern of windows within white framework. The framework has a regular ripple to it, and the photo is taken at an angle to make it look more pronounced. The windows all reflect a bright blue sky.
The second image depicts a triangular shaped corridor, with the walls converging at at top point. Lighting comes from the distance, and a single person is standing within the corridor. The image may be in black and white, or the corridor may simply have no discernable colors.
The third image is a mostly white cat with gray markings on its face and darker gray ears, sitting on a wide concrete ledge surrounding some plants. Just in front of the cat is a faded red or pink planter with a small amount of foliage growing out of the top and side toward the cat.