Recent Heroic Stories

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
Not all of my heroic stories involve superheroes, though some of them do. Here’s a sampling of some recent releases involving heroic characters.
If you like audio stories, check out “Friday Jones’ Helpful Advice for Preventing Your Super-Genius Roommate from Becoming a Supervillain,” which was podcast at Manawaker Flash Fiction Podcast this past March. You can also find this one in Avatar of Freya, as it stars the titular character!
“Consequence,” a drabble published in Martian: The Magazine of Science Fiction Drabbles (and also in Martian Issue 4), features a character with powers, though the story doesn’t really touch on whether that character is a hero or a villain.
“I Need a Hero,” from the May issue of Theme of Absence, is a blend of mythology and heroism in the sense of a champion for a forgotten god. It’s microfiction, so quite short!
“The Price” is more of a post-apocalyptic story, but it features a main character willing to make a sacrifice for those without that choice or ability. So I’d call it a heroic story. You can read it in the July issue of New Maps.
And of course, I have a bunch of collections of superhero short stories, along with my novella, Sure Shot in Las Capas: The Case of the Absent Star! Plenty of superheroic and heroic reading to wrap up this year and launch you into the next!