Movie Recommendation: Cold Comfort Farm (1995)

Image by Flash Alexander from Pixabay
Yes, Cold Comfort Farm is old enough to rent a car (and then some), but I only saw it recently. Jeremy has been trying to get me to watch it for a while, but the stars finally aligned where I was in the mood for something slightly weird and slightly funny. And this fit the bill.
One of the things that I liked most about this movie, though, wasn’t the weird or the funny. It was that even as Flora worked to fix everything about the farm and her relatives there, she always did it kindly. There was no shaming them for who they were, only learning their interests and broadening their horizons. Even the character she disliked strongly was simply ignored rather than treating him more horribly (which, let’s be fair, he kind of deserved). In a more modern comedy, I’m certain that Flora would have been much more vocally or physically prejudiced against her country relatives, but here she’s just a sweet girl who likes to fix things. And she does so rather successfully!
It’s based on a book, which I now have decided I need to read, so that will happen eventually!