History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Have You Checked Out Camp Haunt?

Sometimes, the best reviews for a book you can get are the ones that aren’t necessarily posted online.

My mom reads all of my books, and she sent me a message a few days after finishing Camp Haunt. She said she really wanted to read it to see what I remembered about camp, and she was pleased to see that I remembered all of the rules very well. That amused me, because I was very much the kid who knew all the rules because I HATED being in trouble. So I made sure I knew them all and wouldn’t get in trouble by not following them. They stuck with me, apparently, as I wrote this novella!

For the record, she also liked the story, not just me regurgitating the rules from the camps we attended when I was younger (she was a camp director for a while). I can’t share her whole message to me without spoilers, though, so you’ll just have to check it out yourself!

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