October 2022 Monthly Recap!

One of my perpetually available costumes, Velma, from this year’s Trunk or Treat event!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 105
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 62 (+5)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 22
New Submissions: 5
Stories out at the end of the month: 65
This year was a bit on the slower side for submissions. I have a ton of stories that aren’t out at the moment, in part because October was a bit of a challenge for me. I dealt with a bit of burnout with a side of “I have just learned new things about writing and now I am terrified to write something because it will probably be bad.” Work was also particularly busy, so I’m hoping my late October-early November vacation will help me get some rest and restore some writing brainpower!
I finished nine pieces in October, but I only got five of them into circulation. The other four pieces are poetry, and I find that most poetry markets are easiest to submit to early in the month, as they haven’t hit any caps for their submissions software. But I finished my poems in the last third of the month, so they’ve been waiting to be submitted.
My two acceptances were for flash fiction pieces, one of which will appear in the Home chapbook and the other of which will appear at Factor Four!
As for my to do list for October, I finished revising Sasha and runway. I also wrote a microfiction and a flash piece, and revised a piece from the horror class to round out my five stories for the month. I started the Halloween contest story but ran into a bit of a wall with it and didn’t finish it. I finished the first draft of moors, though that still needs revisions. I didn’t get a ton of pieces out of Drawlloween this year, but for every day that I didn’t write a piece, I did write down an idea, so I’ve got a BUNCH of story seeds for later. I also reviewed a book, did the next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book, and sent out my newsletter.
In November, I plan to:
- Begin revisions on Governess (my Camp NaNo project from July)
- Write the first draft of a new short story (pig clones)
- Write a flash fiction piece
- Revise the handful of Drawlloween pieces I have done
- Put together my next collection (due out in February)
- Review a book
- Work through the next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book (getting into forms now!)
- Newsletter
The biggest project is Governess, but I’m taking my time on that and expecting that I’ll do about 2/3 this month and the final 1/3 next month. Otherwise, the list doesn’t seem too bad!