July 2022 Recap

Some days, the butterflies pose so nicely!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 122
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 62 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 47
New Submissions: 3
Stories out at the end of the month: 105
July was a little slower on the submissions front. I have quite a collection of microfiction stories, and sometimes there aren’t a lot of markets for those. So I have to hang on to them until specific markets open up and then send them out. I did sell three pieces: a short story, a small flash piece, and a microfiction. I also finished three new pieces: a poem and two microfiction.
Most of July was spent focused on writing the first draft of a Regency-era Gothic novella. I finished it, and I’m pretty happy with the overall story, though I made note of some research I need to do before I revise it. I’m planning to do that research in September and then revise in December, because of other projects I have planned in the coming months.
In addition to that, I edited a novella for DefCon One, revised Camp Haunt for its upcoming publication, finished first drafts of the three Mermay flash and the two other flash stories, started on a new short story (living room), wrote a couple of book reviews, worked through the next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book, and got my newsletter out.
In August, I plan to:
- Complete the Write Like You’re Alive challenge (31 new pieces or starts of pieces; most of this will likely be poetry)
- Finish drafting “living room”
- Finish drafting “Sasha”
- Write a couple of pieces of microfiction
- Revise the three Mermay flash pieces and three contest flash pieces
- Blurb and review a book
- Finish the cover art for Camp Haunt
- Newsletter
I’ve also taken on some freelance editing, so I may have a bit of that tossed in for good measure as well, and I’m also helping clean up transcripts from the Nebula weekend panels. So lots of little things to keep me busy!