May 2022 Recap

Delicious, delicious macarons. And part of my keyboard, which is less delicious.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 107
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 55 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 2
Resubmissions: 75
New Submissions: 3
Stories out at the end of the month: 115
This month was a little light on the submissions, but also VERY light on the rejections, compared to a normal month. The +3 is markets that never responded. I did still have two acceptances, one of which has already been published, and the other of which I haven’t signed a contract for yet. I also finished three new pieces.
I made it through MerMay with only a couple of “makeup” days, where I didn’t write on the actual day in question, but wrote a second piece on a later date to make it up. I also didn’t always stick with the prompts this month. So I wrote 29 out of 31 days, which is really quite good! Some of the writing was just sketching out ideas, but I also wrote a bunch of poems and some beginnings of other pieces.
I wound up having to put scare on the backburner because I can’t seem to find the right direction to take with it. The previous version was too cut and dried; as I tried to make it less so, I lost the through-line I’d previously had. So it’s sitting until I’m ready to deal with it again. Two of the stories I finished, though, were lagoon and alien, so those are both out into the world. I started working on Sasha, though it’s slow going thus far. I also got the first draft of “book” written. The microfiction for a contest was my other finished piece; I wound up not writing for the other contest because I wasn’t eligible this month. I wrote my two poems and my two book reviews, got through another section of Stephen Fry’s poetry book, put together my next collection, and sent out my newsletter.
In June, I’m planning to:
- Finish the first draft of “Sasha.”
- Write the first draft of a new piece (“living room”).
- Revise “book.”
- Revise and/or schedule MerMay pieces for further work.
- Write two poems.
- Write two microfiction.
- Complete a section of Stephen Fry’s poetry exercises.
- Write a book review.
- Figure out plans for July challenge.
- Newsletter.
Not too bad!