April 2022 Recap!

The sleepy red panda at the zoo showed their face. They look grumpy at being awake. Same, red panda. Same.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 137
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 71 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 44
New Submissions: 3
Stories out at the end of the month: 107
My submission numbers are a little on the low side this month, which is partially a result of retiring some stories for my collections, and also a result of stories that haven’t come back to me yet–whether that’s just longer response times or more future acceptances remains to be seen!
My new pieces out this month were all small pieces, but I’ll have a few bigger pieces ready to go soon. And my acceptances for the month were both microfiction!
In April, I nearly finished a new draft of scare, finished the first draft of alien, and revised voice. I put lagoon on the back burner, but will be diving into that soon. I also completed two microfiction pieces, but not a flash piece. I wrote my book review, released Doorways in the Gloom, and got C. & M. Marsh, Girl Detectives ready for a late May release. And my newsletter went out on time!
In May, I plan to:
- Participate in MerMay, hopefully starting something new every day of the month.
- Finish new draft of scare.
- Revise lagoon, and start revising alien.
- Write a new short story (book) and two new microfiction (the latter of which may come from MerMay prompts).
- Start writing another new short story (Sasha).
- Write two poems for a contest (which may come from MerMay prompts).
- Complete a section of Stephen Fry’s poetry exercises.
- Review two books.
- Put together my next short story collection.
- Newsletter.
There’s a ton there, and I’ve also got two online conventions this month, plus some volunteer work I’m doing for writing and creative organizations. So plenty busy!