March 2022 Recap

My little buddy, Toki, who I had not seen for two years, but came over for my birthday!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 119
Acceptances received: 4
Rejections received: 72
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 87
New Submissions: 10
Stories out at the end of the month: 137
Things picked up a bit in March, both in terms of what I got done and how many submissions I made. I also had four acceptances, which is not too shabby. One contact remains to be signed, but I can say that I will have stories in Maelstroms and Queer Weird West Tales and a poem in Felis Futura. The last acceptance is for another anthology.
The 10 pieces I finished in March were three poems, one microfiction, four flash, and two short stories, so a nice mix of lengths and types.
In March, I completed “meat” (first draft and final draft) and worked on “laboratory” (but ultimately backburnered it, as I realized it was really a longer piece, possibly a novella). I revised scare and one of the flash pieces for a revision contest, revised three of the other flash pieces for submission, and turned the fifth flash piece into a poem. I also wrote a new microfiction piece and a new flash piece and two book reviews. Avatar of Freya is out, Doorways in the Gloom is ready to launch, and my newsletter went out in mid-March. So all in all, I finished almost everything on my March to do list.
In April, I need to:
- Revise scare (short), voice (flash), and lagoon (flash)
- Write alien (an old backburnered story)
- Write two flash and a microfiction
- Write a book review
- Release Doorways in the Gloom
- Prep C. & M. Marsh, Girl Detectives
- Newsletter
Slightly lighter month, but I also have three conventions that I’m taking part in … starting Thursday, and all this weekend. So that will be a bit busy!