History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

February 2022 Publications!

I had three new pieces out in February, all different sorts and lengths!

“Promises Made” was accepted for the Glittery Literary Anthology Four and appeared early in the month. It’s an urban fantasy microfiction story about curses and promises related to the fae.

The second one was one of the longest titled stories I’ve had published: “Twelve Essential Things Found in Commander Scarlett Archer’s Spacesuit Pockets (And Some Which Were Not).” This story appeared in Runs Like Clockwork from Wyldblood Press. It’s a mashup of steampunk and sci-fi, told in a semi-list format, detailing the items the protagonist uses to solve a problem for the steampunk spaceship she’s on. The title always was set to involve Commander Scarlett Archer and her spacesuit pockets; the rest fell into place after I wrote the story and determined what she needed to solve the problem. And what, like tea, could not be found in her pockets.

Finally, my very short poem, “Darkened Souls,” appeared at microverses. There’s not a lot to say about it, because the entire poem is shorter than this paragraph!

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