January 2022 Recap

Foggy knows how to work the light!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 146
Acceptances received: 5
Rejections received: 80 (+13) (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 78
New Submissions: 6
Stories out at the end of the month: 129
This was a good month for writing new things and getting acceptances! I don’t have contracts for most of the pieces yet, but I sold two drabbles, a piece of microfiction, a short story, and a poem! So that’s a nice range of different sizes and types.
My submissions and rejections numbers were pretty normal this month, though I did run across a lot of markets that just never responded. Some of those submissions went back to nearly the beginning of 2021, and even with a query from me about my pieces, none of them responded one way or the other. That’s part of publishing, sometimes, no matter how disappointing it is to be left hanging.
As I mentioned previously, I’ve decided to stop working on novels for a bit, so the first item on my January to-do list fell off of it. But I completed the first draft of refugees and completely finished spritelings. I was also able to work on and finish a third story, gasmask. I wrote three flash pieces for one contest, and my microfiction for the other contest. The first contest isn’t submissions, per se, so those aren’t reflected in my numbers. The other three pieces I finished were poems.
In February, I need to:
- Revise refugees
- Finish scare and fog drafts
- Write two flash pieces and one microfiction piece for contests
- Proofread my next collection
- Get the first month of my newsletter out
Not too bad of a list, I’d say!