Fun for Friday: Photo Prompts for the Darkness!

Image via jacksonallenauthor (

Image via artefix (

Image via Danieloov (
We’re approaching the solstice and the darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, so here are some dark speculative-inspired images to use as prompts!
The first image depicts a tree-lined suburban street lit by a single streetlight. A human figure stands opposite a bench that is illuminated by the streetlight, and a mecha stands on the street a little farther away.
The second image depicts a dark and cloudy sky over a Gothic looking building. Fog obscures the lower portion of the building and a dry cracked landscape with a large stone (?) head and a broken pocket watch or clock.
The third image depicts a person holding an axe, flanked by two torches, and facing a fire-ringed portal. In the background, floating islands intermix with clouds.