My November 2021 Publications

George Inness, Early Autumn, Montclair, 1891, Public domain (,_Montclair_(1891).jpg)
I only had a couple of new stories out in November, far fewer than the abundance of October!
My flash fiction piece, “There Is No ‘I’ in Heavenly Host,” came out in Friends Journal at the beginning of the month. This was for their special speculative fiction issue, and I got the idea for it directly from the guidelines for the special call for submissions. The editors liked that I took their joke and ran with it. I enjoyed writing it, too! This is solidly urban fantasy/slipstream.
My short story, “The Shell Game,” appeared in the first issue of Haven Speculative in the middle of the month. This one started out as a flash fiction piece, but it needed a bit more room to breathe, and the revisions before publication took it firmly into the short story range. It’s a better story for all the work that’s been put into it and remains, at its core, a slightly science fiction heist.