November 2021 Recap

At our zoo’s Wild Lanterns event!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 148
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 98 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 82
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 127
November was a little abnormal, primarily because I was working on a NaNoWriMo novel, which threw off pretty much every other part of my writing. I did have three pieces accepted in November: a short story, a flash piece, and a poem. The short story, “The Shell Game,” was accepted and came out a week later in the first issue of Haven Speculative. The other two pieces will be out in the future.
My only new submission was a flash fiction piece that I squeezed in over the four-day weekend for Thanksgiving, which was just about the only time I had a little breathing room for other writing. As such, I didn’t finish creepy river yet, and I haven’t quite finished the short story for the contest, either, though I hope to have both of those done today or within the weekend. I did get my book reviews written, at least!
Ultimately, I didn’t quite make it to my goal for NaNoWriMo. I got to about 43,000 words and realized that I had a better way to write this novel. Unfortunately, it means that I have to strip it back to about the first chapter or two. So I’m considering this a very successful world building and character exploration piece. We’ll try it again in a few months.
For December, I’m planning to:
- Proofread a novel for a friend
- Finish creepy river, revise, and submit it
- Finish the short story for the contest, revise, and submit it
- Rewrite a short story (refugees)
- Start rewriting another short story (spriteling)
- Write 3 or 4 flash pieces or poems
- Write a book review
This is a big stack, especially since the holidays will have us extra busy this year. But I think it’s doable!