Fun for Friday: Warm and Homey?

Yinan Chen, Public domain (

Image via Braunfels (

Anthony Rauscher, Public domain (
This week, I’ve got a few images that feel a bit warm and homey to me.
The first image is a photo of the interior of a fairly standard coffee shop. The room has a few wooden tables surrounded by wooden chairs, and then has taller wooden chairs at the edge of the room, where there is also a high, narrow table along the wall. The colors in the coffee shop are warm and golden.
The second image is a photograph of a heart-shaped brown rock embedded into dirt. There is some short straw and snow or ice in the dirt.
The third image is a photograph of a run-down wooden cabin. The door and windows are missing, though one window has a white curtain hanging in it. The area is surrounded by some slightly overgrown plants in varying shades of green, with some yellow flowers among them. In the background are nearby trees, like at the edge of a clearing.