August 2021 Recap!

My completely ridiculous cat who likes to pretend he has no bones
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 173
Acceptances received: 7
Rejections received: 100 (+5)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 74
New Submissions: 8
Stories out at the end of the month: 142
August was a FANTASTIC month for acceptances–in fact, seven is the most acceptances I’ve had in a single month since I started writing and submitting. I haven’t signed contracts for all of them yet, but here’s what I can announce:
- “Twelve Essential Things Found in Commander Scarlett Archer’s Spacesuit Pockets (And Some Which Were Not)” will appear in the Runs Like Clockwork anthology
- “Friday Jones’ Helpful Advice for Preventing Your Super-Genius Roommate from Becoming a Supervillain” (flash) will be podcast at the Manawaker Flash Fiction Podcast
- “Raindrops in Indra’s Net” will appear in The Colored Lens in Autumn 2021
- “Twin Suns” (drabble) has already appeared in the Flash in a Flash newsletter
Three others are awaiting contracts, but they include two short stories and a poem. So that’s four short stories, two flash (counting the drabble as flash), and a poem!
I finished eight new pieces in August, which was three short stories (puppy, grave, and bookswap), four flash fiction pieces (all for contests), and one poem.
Also in August, I revised two out of three of the contest entries (the last one proved to be a longer story that needs to be finished), proofread stories for my upcoming collection, got the next DefCon One anthology ready to go, and wrote two book reviews. I also worked on another couple of stories, one of which needs a full rewrite (refugees), and one of which needs to be expanded greatly. So I’ll get to those unfinished pieces in the near-ish future.
My original plan was to take the month of September off, as I was going to have surgery on September 1st. But that has been postponed due to the current hospital overload as a result of the Delta variant and unvaccinated people being hospitalized in droves. I am still hoping to get this surgery done (it’s not a life-threatening issue, but it’s something I’ve been trying to wait out the pandemic to have done), but the date of that will be determined … sometime. So in the meantime, I’m keeping my schedule a little bit more flexible than usual so that I can jump on any opportunity my surgeon can get.
Assuming no surgery in September, I plan to:
- Write creepy river and a Halloween contest story
- Start rewriting a drafted story (refugees)
- Write two flash pieces for contests
- Write some poetry as time permits
- Review a book
That’s a pretty light load, but I think it’ll be enough!