dawn.vogel | August 3, 2021
By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 150 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 94 (+1) (+4) Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 114 New Submissions: 6 Stories out at the end of the month: 173 Slight ramp up of submissions this month, even though it was a little slow on the rejection front. […]
Category: Recap |
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Tags: July, recap
dawn.vogel | August 2, 2021
The sonnet is a poetry form that has intimidated me for a long time. I’m not great at poems that rhyme or have a tightly prescribed meter. And anyway, Shakespeare, right?! He was so good at sonnets, how can anyone else compare? Turns out, Shakespearean sonnets are but one of the possible forms of sonnets. […]
Category: Advice |
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Tags: poetry, sonnet