Scheduling My Weeks

Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay
I’ve recently switched from using a weekly planner to using a daily planner. Instead of having seven days spread over two small pages, I now have a single day on a large page.
It’s both wonderful and a little overwhelming. It’s nice to have space to not have to scrawl what amount to shorthand notes on roughly 1/3 (or 1/6, on the weekend) of an already small piece of paper. But the fact that I need to be able to have an hour by hour schedule of my day and room for priorities, to dos, and a summary is sort of wild.
The biggest downside I’ve run into so far is that it’s harder to look at the week as a whole. Previously, I could get a sense of what my week looked like based on how many flags I had on any given day (each flag identifying something I needed to work on). Now, I can see my daily to do list, but not what would happen if I decided to skip something today and work on it tomorrow instead. So there’s a bit more flipping between pages to see how much of a cascade a small change would cause. I do still have my spreadsheet set up to look at a whole week at once, but it’s not broken down by what I intend to finish when. Fortunately, I keep most parts of my schedule fairly regular, so I can generally visualize what the flags would have looked like on the two-page weekly spread.
As I start thinking ahead to 2022, I may have to find a planner that allows me to do a two-page spread for a week, but then also has individual pages for each day of that week. And if that doesn’t exist, I can always make my own!