Fun for Friday: Three Mismatched Images

Jens Buurgard Nielsen ( CC-by-sa-3.0 (

Rodeime ( CC-by-sa-3.0 (

PBASH607 ( CC-by-sa-3.0 (
This week’s Fun for Friday is a collection of three images that really don’t go together. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write something that includes something from the three images. Feel free to interpret them as you see fit!
The first image is a closeup of a dragonfly in flight, with its wings moving too fast for the camera to capture, on a green background. The dragonfly is green, yellow, and brown, with a black and bright blue speckled back half.
The second image is of a large boat in placid water with pink tinged clouds and a blue sky. The boat appears to have at least four levels and is not flying any flags.
The third image is of roots that have emerged from the ground. The roots are white and gray, and the ground around them is a reddish-brown color. There is part of a tree trunk at the right of the photo, but it is unclear if these roots belong to that tree.