May 2021 Recap

Stormy doesn’t want to admit he loves his sister, but he does.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 169
Acceptances received: 4
Rejections received: 102 (+4)
Stories withdrawn: 11
Resubmissions: 92
New Submissions: 11
Stories out at the end of the month: 150
This month has been a very good one in terms of acceptances: I sold poems to Songs of Eretz and just femme and dandy, a drabble to The Martian Magazine, and a short story to Distant Shore Publishing. I also completed a lot of new pieces in May: five poems, a short story, and five flash fiction pieces. (And those are only the pieces that went out in May!)
From my May to-do list, I wrote 27 pieces for MerMay, which means I only missed four days. Of those 27 pieces, nine of them are included in the 11 pieces I finished in May, which means I’ve still got 18 more to revise and send out. Two of those nine were flash fiction contest pieces. I also wrote my four poems for contest entries out of my MerMay entries, but those still need to be polished before submission elsewhere. I finished the first draft of dragon, completed the draft and revisions for names, and revised eyes. I also finished the first draft of poisoned, which wasn’t part of the plan this month. And I put together my collection and reviewed the couple of books I planned to.
In June, I need to:
- Revise the bulk of the remaining 18 MerMay pieces
- Write two flash pieces for contests
- Revise no harm, waypost, dragon, and poisoned
- Write werewolves and october
- Start revising werewolves
- Start writing grave
- Review one book
There’s a lot there, but a good chunk of the revisions on stories are nearly done, and both werewolves and october should be pretty easy to finish up. Most of the MerMay pieces are in good enough shape that they just need a quick polish before they go out. So while it looks like a whole lot, I think it’s manageable.