April 2021 Recap

They’re working on a yin/yang configuration
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 154
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 102 (+10)
Stories withdrawn: 3
Resubmissions: 130
New Submissions: 6
Stories out at the end of the month: 169
Numbers are looking pretty good this month. Only one acceptance, for a poem, but I’ve got quite a few things currently on submission that are in second rounds of consideration.
I also wrote a lot of new stuff in April: three flash pieces, a poem, and two short stories, all out on submission.
From my April to-do list, I ended up putting “dreams” on the backburner as a result of the writing craft books I’ve been reading. It needs a lot of restructuring to work better, plus I decided that a major plot element needed rethinking. So it wound up not making sense to finish what would be a virtually unsalvageable first draft. I wrote three flash pieces and a poem instead of four flash pieces, fully revised angel and morgue, and started writing dragon. I’ve also been putting together my collections, and I edited the book for DefCon One much more quickly than expected.
In May, I plan to:
- Participate in Mermay with written pieces (mostly poetry and flash, but some short story starts too, probably)
- Write two flash pieces for contests
- Write four poems for contests
- Finish the first drafts of dragon and another story (codename: “names”)
- Revise eyes
- Prep another short story collection
- Review third craft book and one fiction book
It’ll be a busy month, but it’s doable!