March 2021 Recap

A birthday selfie, complete with cat gaming headphones and one of my crowns (I have four).
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 213
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 125 (+22)
Stories withdrawn: 4
Resubmissions: 85
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 154
The numbers are a little lower than normal in some places this month. Lots of rejections, along with a TON of stories/poetry at markets that seem to have died, and a few stories or poems withdrawn for a variety of reasons.
I had three sales in March, though, and I’ve signed all three contracts! “Just Smile” will be published at The Dread Machine, “Fiddle in the Middle, will be published in MYTHIC Mag, and “Amanita” will be published at Flash Point SF. I’m excited for all three of these–“Just Smile” is a fairly new story, while the other two have made the rounds a bit more.
I finished writing four stories this month. Two were brand new flash pieces, based on prompts for contests this month. One was a lengthening of a flash piece from earlier in the year, and the other was putting the finishing touches on a story started earlier.
From my March to-do list, I’ve finished 6 and 2/3 of the chapters for dreams–a little behind where I wanted to be, but still making good progress. I finished both eyes and the rewrite of angel. I put morgue on the backburner, and I haven’t been able to start revising eyes yet, as I haven’t gotten feedback on it yet. I wrote my two book reviews, and I finished the indexing project, ahead of schedule even!
In April, I plan to:
- Write about 9 chapters of dreams
- Write four flash pieces: two for contests, two for fun
- Revise eyes
- Start revisions to angel
- Finish the first draft of morgue
- Start the first draft of a new story, codenamed “dragon”
- Put together a couple of collections
- Edit a book for DefCon One
I’m taking a small break from reading fiction for book reviews, but I’m reading a handful of recommended books on the craft of writing that are proving really useful, and I’ll be beta reading a novel for an online associate. I’ll likely post some thoughts about the craft books, as I think there’s a lot of good material there that will resonate with some writers!