February 2021 Recap

Things I should probably not be allowed to do: have nearly unlimited access to eye stickers and surfaces to stick them to.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 192
Acceptances received: 4
Rejections received: 73 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 7
Resubmissions: 102
New Submissions: 5
Stories out at the end of the month: 213
Pretty happy with my numbers for February, as I continue to sell pieces and get new pieces done, and plenty of subs as well! My February sales were two poems to Utopia Science Fiction, a short story to Land Beyond the World, and a flash fiction sale that I haven’t signed the contract on yet. My finished pieces in February were two short stories (one of which started as flash) and three flash fiction pieces. The majority of what was withdrawn was the sold poems that had been simultaneously submitted, but there were also some non-responsive markets. And the one rejection in parenthesis was a rewrite request.
From my to do list for last month, I wrote the last flash piece for the online contest, finished the first draft of desperation, revised familiar, revised three of the flash pieces from the online contest, wrote another flash piece, outlined dreams, wrote a book review, and completed my freelance editing project. I haven’t finished the first draft of morgue yet, but I had to backburner it, and I started to revise angel but realized it needed a much bigger rewrite. And I spread out the flash revisions a bit more, moving that fourth one to March. I also wrote the first draft of a short story (poisoned) and started on a new short story (eyes).
In March, I need to:
- Write the first 10 chapters of dreams.
- Finish writing eyes and the rewrite of angel.
- Continue writing morgue.
- Write a couple new flash pieces.
- Revise saddlebags, heist, desperation, and poisoned.
- Start revising eyes
- Write two book reviews.
- Indexing freelance project.
So that’s a pretty busy month I’ve got planned!