November 2020 Recap

I made a ridiculous desert for Thanksgiving this month, and it was delicious!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 147
Acceptances received: 4
Rejections received: 97
Stories withdrawn: 1 (+9)
Resubmissions: 156
New Submissions: 9
Stories out at the end of the month: 199
I went on a big submissions push in November, so I have a lot more resubmissions and new submissions. The new submissions were eight poems and one short story. The rejections weren’t too bad in comparison, either. And I had one poem that I withdrew because it sold elsewhere, and nine items at markets that didn’t respond (mostly poetry).
I also had four acceptances in November, three poems and one flash fiction piece. “The Wisdom of Leaves” was accepted and published at TERSE, and “Maija Spencer, Internet Witch,” was accepted and published at Page & Spine. “The Fall of the Undying Sailor” has been accepted for the March issue of The Common Tongue, and the fourth acceptance is a poem for which I haven’t signed the contract yet, so it will be announced later.
Also in November, I re-outlined Beagle Wizard and started writing it. I’m nearly through proofreading and lightly revising Promise Me Nothing, so it’s on track to come out in February 2021. I revised my poetry from Drawlloween and started organizing how to work on the stories from that event. I got shell revised and out on submissions. I’m not quite done with the first draft of boots, but I’m nearly there, and I haven’t started a new story yet as a result. And I wrote and published my book review.
In December, I plan to:
- Finish writing the first draft of Beagle Wizard
- Finish tweaking Promise Me Nothing
- Finish the first draft of boots and revise
- Finish writing a Drawlloween story (smile), and start work on another (goblin)
- Write some flash or poetry
- Write two book reviews
Busy month, but I’m taking a break from my day job over the holidays, so I’ll have loads of writing time!