Pirates of the Mediterranean Essay at Fantastic History!

Image via jcataffo (https://pixabay.com/photos/mediterranean-sea-landscape-nature-3487098/)
Catherine Schaff-Stump is hosting some of my articles about the real history behind my stories from Unfixed Timelines at her Fantastic History blog. The third post, “Pirates of the Mediterranean,” is up now!
I wrote my story “Salt in Our Veins” based on a call for submissions that necessitated a Mediterranean setting and fae of some sort (for Fae Visions of the Mediterranean, where this story was first published). The fae part was easy for me to pick, but the time period for my story was a little harder for me to narrow down until I found mention of piracy in the Mediterranean in antiquity. Then it was just a matter of doing some research into the very tangled history and writing a story that fit with the history.
You can read more about the pirates of the Mediterranean in my post at Fantastic History, and you can read the story in Unfixed Timelines!