July 2020 Recap

How am I supposed to work under these conditions?
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 102
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 43
Stories withdrawn: 1 (+2)
Resubmissions: 62
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 114
Some reasonable numbers this month in terms of resubmissions! Also, this month was good for acceptances! I’ve signed the contracts for all of my acceptances, and one has already been published. “Memorandum from the Panel for the Identification of Consequentially Chosen Youth (PICCY)” is in the most recent issue of Page & Spine. I’ve also sold “Little T, Big T” to Hybrid Fiction, and “Nectar Shortage” to From the Farther Trees. I’ll let you know when those are available to read!
In July, I finished revising fae and have started that on the rounds (as my one new story this month), but I haven’t started revising dresses yet. I’ve written most of Marsh 3, but still have a bit to finish up on that (hopefully by the end of this week). I finished my UT2 essays, proofread those, and got them compiled for formatting and turning into an ebook. I’ve also got the cover art done, though I still need to finish the layout. For the July writing challenge, I managed to write 26 poems, and I also wrote a flash piece for an online contest that served double duty as my 27th piece for the July challenge. I wasn’t able to query any more agents for Briar, as the remaining ones on my list remained closed in July. And I’ve nearly completed the revisions to the Lady Huntsman novella.
I’ve also worked up the majority of the art for my children’s book, and I’ve picked up beagle wizard again to work on between month-long challenges.
In August, I need to:
- Write two more flash pieces for the contest
- Finish writing Marsh 3
- Write wolf
- Revise dresses
- Revise the first flash piece from the contest
- Revise some of the poems from the July challenge
- Proofread the ebook for UT2
- Finish the art for my children’s book and send that to layout
- Finish revising Lady Huntsman, send it to layout, then proofread some of that
- Write 8 chapters in beagle wizard
That’s a LOT. But it’s doable!