May 2020 Recap

Foxglove growing behind our building!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 136
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 63 (+3)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 61
New Submissions: 2
Stories out at the end of the month: 129
My overall submission numbers seem small this month, but I also haven’t had a lot of rejections coming my way. I had three pieces come back due to closed markets, but otherwise, things have just been slow on the publishing front. I finished two new pieces this month for submissions, one poem and one flash piece.
In May, I sent out more queries for Briar (still no bites). I planned to start up a new novel, but instead decided to work on a novel I’d already outlined but never wrote. I haven’t gotten very far on that, though, and I’m sort of pushing novels to the backburner for the time being. I didn’t revise as much as I wanted on the short front, either, though I’m getting there (I finished one story, but it needs revisions still). I’ve written one of my essays forĀ Unfixed Timelines 2, but I’m just about done with a second one. And I did get my book review done. I also made a last minute decision to do Mermay as a poetry challenge, and I’ll come out of that with about 20 new poems, which are already slated for a self-published chapbook of sorts.
In June, I plan to:
- Finish a short story (dresses)
- Revise and submit another short story (fae)
- Finish up my essays forĀ UT2
- Query more agents for Briar
- Put together my poetry chapbook
- Start working on art for my children’s book
- Maybe write some flash or poetry
- A couple of book reviews
That’s a lot, so I think the novels on the back burner plan is a wise one.