History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Superhero Reads!

Cover art for Sparx & ArrowsIf you’re looking for some reading escapism, may I recommend a couple of collections of superhero short stories that I’ve written?

The first is Sparx and Arrows, which is Cobalt City-based stories featuring Kara Sparx and The Huntsman in three different incarnations, including both of the female Huntsmans. Kara Sparx has two solo stories, while Eleanor and Sarah Castile each have one story, and then Kara teams up with Marcus Castile, the modern Huntsman. Along the way, there’s shooting clockwork ex-presidents and Nazis, and flying around possessed Ferris wheels and mechas.

My other superhero story collection is Heroes of Necessity, which is four stories of women with unusual powers called upon to help out with those powers. They’re mothers and college girls, but when they’re needed, they do what they can!

Both of these books are available in ebook format, and Sparx and Arrows is also available as a print book. If you really want Sparx and Arrows in print, feel free to ping me, as I’ve got a stock of books that I can sell you! And then you’ll get a signed copy!

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