TV Show Recommendation: Riverdale

Jeff Hitchcock ( CC-by-2.0 (
We are, as per the usual, way behind on almost every show there is out there. But Jeremy recently watched the first episode of Riverdale and thought I might like it. He was, unsurprisingly, right.
I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t come into comics through the superhero route. My first comics were Archie and Richie Rich. So seeing the characters from the former on the small screen is a real treat for me, especially when there are little things that they’ve worked into the show that are reminiscent of the comics, but modernized. It’s been fantastic thus far, and we’re steadily working through a few episodes whenever we have a few hours to spare!
If you like TV that is smart and funny, that also has a lot of heart, but can sometimes get dark, you will likely also love Riverdale. Jeremy said it’s like a mix of Twin Peaks without David Lynch and Veronica Mars. He’s 100 percent right!