January 2020 Recap

A rare picture of the elusive author/editor cat. And me.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 169
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 115
Stories withdrawn: 0 (+5)
Resubmissions: 109
New Submissions: 0
Stories out at the end of the month: 159
New year, and we’re racking up the submissions already! I had three acceptances shake out of January, two from stories submitted in 2019, and one from a story submitted this month. Not too shabby! One of those stories has already come out–“Superstions” at Theme of Absence–and I’ve signed the contract for “Coffin Coffee Table” being podcast at Manawaker Studios. I don’t have a contract for the final one, but I am SUPER excited about it.
I’ve been working on flash stories this month for a contest (and have actually written a spare), but I haven’t actually finished a story yet. I also made the choice to slow down my pace a bit, because January was a very busy and crowded month for me. Lots of pots on lots of stoves, though, so there will be stories done and freshly submitted soon!
I’m almost done with the revisions to briar, but that’s one of the things I had to slow down on, in addition to short story writing. I also have backburnered beagle for the time being. I’ve got a draft of space moms done, but that’s about it, other than my flash pieces (most of which are probably going to be expanded into short stories).
In February, I’m planning to:
- Finish revising briar and write the synopsis and cover letter
- Start editing the Lady Huntsman novella
- Revise space moms and get that out on submission
- Write airship (first draft)
- Start hostile AI
- Write two more flash pieces
- Revise six flash pieces (which may not involve finishing all six)
- Write a book review