“Muss” available in Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns

Townsend’s big-eared bat (https://www.nps.gov/chis/learn/nature/townsends-bats.htm)
I’ve got a new story out inĀ Witches, Warriors, and Wyverns from TANSTAAFL Press. TANSTAAFL Press is local to the Seattle area, and I’ve interacted with their editor frequently at local events. This is their first high fantasy anthology, and I’m happy to be a part of it.
“Muss” was one of my Drawlloween stories from 2018, which I finished in 2019. It’s a very sweet story about a young witch being tested to join the ranks of her order of witches, all while dealing with her sick pet bat (her soon-to-be familiar).
The anthology is filled with high fantasy stories from authors all over the world!