Writing Your Back of the Book Blurb

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
I was recently talking with another author about book synopses and back of the book blurbs, and while I don’t have a lot of experience with the former (yet!), I have written a few blurbs for my books and helped others write theirs.
This article give a good list of tips for writing a book blurb. While some of the ideas are a bit more geared toward writing a book blurb for a non-fiction book, there’s stuff for fiction writers to learn here as well. I particularly like the idea of writing more than one blurb for the same book and seeing which one your friends and family are more attracted to.
If you’re not quite at the point where you’re ready to write back of the book blurbs for your own books, you can try out your hand with writing a “book” blurb for a movie you’ve seen, as though it was a book. This can give you some good practice with the basic elements of writing a book blurb and summarizing things concisely.