November 2019 Recap

My aspiring author cat, Foggy, taking over the laptop while I’m away
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 163
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 91
Stories withdrawn: 6 (+2)
Resubmissions: 88
New Submissions: 27
Stories out at the end of the month: 177
November was not an easy month. I spent the first few days at a convention. When I got home, I was sick with a cold for almost a week. Just as I recovered from the cold, I wound up in the ER with a kidney stone. By the time I’d recovered from THAT, it was the middle of the month … and we were headed to GeekGirlCon. Work was also extra busy once I recovered from being out for multiple days, so I cruised through the latter half of the month in a bit of a daze … and then had my big craft show of the year right at the end of the month.
Unsurprisingly, this means I didn’t get much writing done. All 27 of the new submissions are poems, and 25 of those were from Drawlloween. I worked a bit on one story, worked on my next novel outline, and wrote some reviews. And that’s about it.
The two acceptances were both poems: “Radiance and Obscurity” sold to Liquid Imagination and “Play with Us” sold to Eye to the Telescope. The withdrawn stories were these poems submitted to other markets, while the +2 is two stories that passed the market’s own deadline for response with no contact.
In December, I need to:
- Finish the novel outline
- Write first draft of “ghost”
- Start first draft of story TBD
- Write some flash
- Start revising briar based on beta reader feedback
- Write a book review
All this while having six more days of craft shows to get through. Whee!