September 2019 Recap

The first (unsuccessful) attempt at Feline Transfer Protocol, in which a cat that enters a box will be transmitted to another box for sharing.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 146
Acceptances received: 8
Rejections received: 81
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 82
New Submissions: 29
Stories out at the end of the month: 164
September was a busy month for acceptances, finishing new things, and getting things out the door. Surprisingly slow on the rejections, but I’m not going to complain!
I sold 8 pieces in September, and I’ve signed the contracts for 6 of those. “A Pale Imitation” will appear in the Twofer Compendium, an anthology about twins. “The Dark Forest Takes” will appear in Factor Four Magazine. “Just Add Holy Water” will appear in the Death’s Sting anthology. “Terpsichore” will be reprinted in the Horror for the Throne anthology. And “The Fairest,” a poem, will appear in the Eye to the Telescope trickster-themed issue, while one of my haikus will appear at Quatrain Fish! I’ll announce the other two after the contracts are signed.
I finished a bunch of stuff this month, most of which was poems from August. The 29 pieces were 3 stories and 26 poems. (And I’ve actually finished one more poem, but haven’t found anywhere to submit it yet.) The stories were finishing up two of the stories from the July flash fiction contest, and one other flash piece that I wrote for a specific call for submissions. I also wrote a whole lot of guest posts for the release of Brass and Glass 3: The Boiling Sea, worked on revisions for briar, finished pockets, wrote a draft of a flash piece, and started working on a story I’m code-naming “science!”.
In October, I’ve got a lot to do. First off, I’m doing Drawlloween again as a writing prompt, so I’ll be trying to start a story or poem every day in October. I also want to wrap up my revisions on briar and send that to beta readers by the end of the month. And I hope to finish writing science!, revising pockets, maybe revising that flash piece, and starting another new short story. Oh, and I need to outline my next book and review some books and maybe write a few more guest posts. Whew!