August 2019 Recap

The newest skeletal members of our menagerie, Juliet Senior and Mr. Sparkle Pony
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 150
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 109
Stories withdrawn: 7 (+1)
Resubmissions: 106
New Submissions: 10
Stories out at the end of the month: 146
The numbers are all over the place this month. First up: the acceptances! I’ve signed all three of those contracts, so I can announce that “Comeback Tour” will appear in The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror in January 2020; “The Gift” will appear in The Bronzeville Bee in December 2019; and my poem, “Definitely Not Haunted,” will appear in The Macabre Museum in October 2019! I also signed a contract for one of my July acceptances, which is that two of my haiku will appear in Frozen Wavelets.
The withdrawals this month are worth noting. Four of them were because I sold “Definitely Not Haunted,” which had been simultaneously submitted to other markets (which poetry markets encourage). One of the other withdrawals, though, was also for “Definitely Not Haunted,” which I had submitted to what I believed was a paying market. They accepted my poem, but for no pay, so I said “no thank you.” And then there were two markets that are likely no longer, and another market that never responded (the +1).
My ten new submissions were nine poems and one short story (toad). Two of those poems were ones I wrote as a part of the August Write Like You’re Alive challenge, which also produced another 24 poems. But those are still waiting to see which will be selected for the Write Like You’re Alive anthology, so they haven’t started going out to markets yet. (And I want to revise some of them.)
Otherwise, things have been flowing in and out as per the usual, ending about where I started, more or less.
I’ve been super busy in August with republishing my Brass and Glass novels, while also getting book 3 ready to go. In addition to my finished poetry, short story, and the challenge poetry, I wrote a flash piece for the other contest and outlined and mostly wrote pockets, but neither of those are quite done yet. I’ve also been working on briar, reviewing books, and writing guest blog posts.
This month, I need to:
- Finish revising Brass and Glass 3
- Resume revising briar
- Revise three flash pieces from the contest
- Revise some of the challenge poetry
- Finish pockets and start on revisions
- Write a new story (day of the dead)
- Start another new story (no magic)
- Write 3 flash pieces
- Review a couple books
That’s a lot!