Brass and Glass: The Cask of Cranglimmering and The Long-Cursed Map Re-Release!
If you’re an observant follower of this blog, you might have noticed that the cover art on my main page for the Brass and Glass books changed recently. The reasoning behind this is that my previous publishers, Razorgirl Press, are closing up shop and released the rights to my books to me. Since book 3 wasn’t quite ready, and since they wouldn’t be able to finish out the series with me, I made the decision to commission new covers that would all go together, republish the first two books under DefCon One Publishing, and then release the third book through that press as well!
The first two books, Brass and Glass: The Cask of Cranglimmering and Brass and Glass 2: The Long-Cursed Map can now be re-purchased on Amazon in ebook format, with print format to follow soon. Book 3 will (fingers crossed) release within the next month or two!