What’s New on My Patreon?
Have you checked out my Patreon lately? It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing!
If you back it, you get the opportunity to see some of the things I’m working on in various stages in the process. Sometimes it’s snippets from a short story or novel, and sometimes it’s a little bit of poetry, as I’m writing a lot more poems lately.
If I get enough patrons, I’ll also start doing audio versions of some of my stories, poems, or excerpts from longer pieces. So you’ll get to see my face reading my words. I’d love to have the chance to do more readings, and while I could do them anyway, I’d like them to be a special treat!
I’ll also have a new self-published collection of fantasy stories out in August, which means a $3 a month pledge gets you an ebook copy as soon as it’s ready!