March 2019 Recap

The kittens have taken up camping
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 56
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 41
Stories withdrawn: 1 (+1)
Resubmissions: 45
New Submissions: 2
Stories out at the end of the month: 58
It’s been another busy month, with lots of stories going out, coming back, and going out again. I withdrew one story and gave up waiting on another, but otherwise it’s been the usual progress. I do have quite a few stories that are being held for second looks right now, so that’s super exciting.
I had two sales in March! One is still awaiting the contract, so I’ll announce that later. The other is that “I Believe” will appear in a future issue of The Future Fire–more details to come when I know which one!
My February acceptance that I failed to talk about further is that “Safe Haven” will appear in Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove, out in May, but available for pre-order now!
I finished two new stories, “soul” and “cryptid.” The latter of those is one of my Drawlloween stories that still needed work. The other is a story that I wrote as a flash piece, but then decided to expand into a short story. I also wrote four poems as part of a friendly contest, but they all need some polishing before they enter the arena of poetry submissions (which is a whole different arena than story submissions, and one I’m not 100% comfortable in!).
I wound up not making the revisions to jack, and had to backburner swan and laboratory, but instead I worked on “bat” and “goblin” and finished first drafts of both of those. I also got a little work done on “yokai.”
I also finished the first draft of briar and worked on a lot of the edits for Brass and Glass 3. I have a little more work to do on the latter before I jump into my April projects.
In April, I plan to:
- Finish revising Brass & Glass 3
- Revise Wasteland as part of Camp NaNoWriMo
- Revise “bat” and “goblin” and send those out
- Revise four poems
- Finish first drafts of yokai and swan, start on skeleton
- Write a flash piece
Lots to do, with our niece visiting so we can take her to Norwescon mid-month. But I think it’s manageable!