Movie Recommendation: Captain Marvel

Image via Fifaliana-joy (
It took us a little longer than many people, but we’ve finally seen Captain Marvel, and I can say, without a doubt, that it’s highly recommended!
Of all the Marvel comics I read, Captain Marvel is the one I’m most consistent with, because I like the story and I like how much fun it is. The movie did not disappoint on either of those scores. The chemistry between Brie Larsen and Samuel L. Jackson is fantastic, and I imagine they had a blast filming the movie.
It’s not all fun and games, though, as there are some serious topics as well. But on the way home from the movie, Jeremy asked me if I liked it better than I liked Wonder Woman, and I said I did, because it was FUN, whereas Wonder Woman was darker. The morning after we saw the movie, I had a better way of explaining it. Wonder Woman is grimdark, dealing with the first modern war and the horrors of war. Captain Marvel is hopepunk, in that even when there are difficult things afoot, Captain Marvel knows she can handle it (and then does).